How close would the stadium be to homes?

Edgewood’s neighbors are much closer than neighbors of comparable facilities.

The proposed stadium is closer to neighborhood homes than it is to the school building. Edgewood High School is to the right of the field—out of the frame of this image.

The proposed stadium is closer to neighborhood homes than it is to the school building. Edgewood High School is to the right of the field—out of the frame of this image.

Only 65 feet!

That’s the distance from Edgewood High School’s property to the nearest residential property on Monroe Street. The edge of the field is as close as 135 feet—still a fraction of the distance neighboring homes usually have to stadiums. The proposed stadium will be closer to some residences than it is to the school building! See below for some nearby comparisons.

Below are measurements of the distance from the edge of the athletic field to the nearest residential property

All measurements obtained using Google maps.